I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who likes saying goodbye. It’s hard and it’s sad. You can’t deny that and it’s really okay that it’s hard. At the same time, goodbyes are part of life and especially a big part of the race.
One norm of the race is that you go to a new country, fall in love with the place and the people, after a month (or two) you say hard goodbyes, and then start the process all over again. This can be particularly difficult on the race because you really have no idea when you’ll see them again.
Today, as we were saying goodbye to our hosts in Jacó, someone commented about how we don’t know if or when we would be back. It was then that Bubble reminded us that we WILL see each other again in heaven. Regardless of whether or not we get to see each other in this world, we know for a fact and can hold on to the anticipation of heaven where we will see all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
My alumni team leader (Jenny) from my first race used to tell people this all the time. When she would say goodbye she would say “see you in heaven!” It made sense to me why she would say it. However, it also kind of left a sad feeling with me. It was a reminder that I likely won’t see someone again in this life.
It hit me a little different this morning though. Rather than being sad, I was excited about one day seeing my friends in heaven. Maybe it’s because last week when I talked to Hannah about this same topic, she referred to our reunion in heaven as a giant block party that we’re all invited to. It’s way more exciting than if I get to see them again in this life anyway.
So what do we do with this? How does this change my perspective with the goodbyes that I know are coming on the rest of this race? (and the rest of my life) I’m going to embrace every moment that I do have. I’m going to be intentional about spending time with people. With getting to know them and making memories that I can hold on to until I see them again in heaven.
P.S. You’re also invited to the Block Party in Heaven
I’ll be there!
I love you!!! See you here, in Heaven, or in due air??????
Mama K8!!! I didn’t mention you in this blog, but you also are a person that God has used to help me learn this eternal perspective. Love you so much!!
I think about how hard it has to be for you to leave all the time. That is a great perspective!
WOW. This is SO RELATABLE & I love your perspective! And I cannot WAIT for a block party in Heaven!!