This weekend we had the opportunity to travel to a new city for ministry and it was great!
One of the police officers who works here in Chichi is from a town called San Pedro Ayampuc, which is just outside of Guatemala City and about a 4 hour drive from where we are now. A couple weeks ago, when we held a church service for the police officers here in Chichi, he was greatly encouraged by the worship and the message. He took videos and sent them to the pastor of his church in San Pedro who then invited us to join them for a weekend.
So, we packed an overnight bag, hopped on a bus and drove to church in a place none of us had even heard of before we received the invitation. Going into it, we were told that we would arrive, have lunch, do a little bit of street ministry and then join them for the youth service that night. The following day we would join the Sunday morning service, do a house visit and then leave after lunch for the 4 hour drive back home.
It was a really quick trip, but wow was it worth it.
The youth group was much larger than I expected, and doing street ministry with them was really encouraging. They split us up into groups once we got into the town and we all went to different places to interact with the people of the community. In my group we had 3 world racers (including myself) and 4 Guatemalans. Two of them held signs that said something along the lines of “open your heart to God” and “Jesus loves you.” The other two did the majority of interacting. Every person that walked by, they would step in front of them and ask if they could share the Gospel with them.
Some said no and kept walking, but most people were very receptive and said yes. The two Guatemalans would then read scripture to them and sum up the Gospel in a few sentences. They would then ask one of us 3 world racers to pray over the person they were speaking with. I was inspired by the boldness that each of these youths had.
They were anywhere from 13-21 years old and none of them were afraid to stop someone and ask to share the Gospel with them. They would pray for them, invite them to church and encourage them. Guatemala is full of Christ-followers who are eager to share the love of God that they themselves have experienced.
Their boldness encouraged me to be bold with my faith as well. Not just now, while I’m on the Race, but when I get home as well. I pray that I will have the same boldness to share the Gospel as the Holy Spirit leads me to. That I will be bold to speak to people I would otherwise just walk right by on the streets in the States. Boldness to ask them if I can pray for them. Boldness to ask them if they know Jesus. Boldness to let them know that they are seen and loved.
Thank you so much for encouraging me in my walk and my boldness! Again, eternally grateful God crossed our paths??????
This is beautiful, Kaci. Thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for sharing Him with them!
Thank you Teri! I welcome all the prayers 🙂
Love you Mama K8! I’m thankful that the encouragement was mutual
Thank you so much Mrs. Lanier!
Being bold is sometimes hard especially with strangers. I don’t feel I have enough knowledge
I think God will give us the right words to say but you sure need to be bold to start out. You
probably need practice to get more confidence. Give it a try and I will too!! Bless you!
Just Gramma
I absolutely believe God will give us the right words. Also, a lot of times it’s not about having the wisdom, but just being willing to share your testimony and how you’ve experienced God. Love you!
Kaci, Wow! I will pray that you have the boldness to ask and pray for young people. Now and when you return home! Blessings to you and your team!