Hello! It’s been a minute since I posted an update…
I’ve been in South Africa for 5 days now and I absolutely love it here! The original route I said yes to was supposed to start in Africa and I feel like I’ve been waiting the whole Race to finally get here.
Day 1, our host had us jump straight into ministry. We got here on a Sunday. He picked us up from the airport, drove us to his house so we could drop off our things and grab some coffee before heading to church. We had literally just been traveling for 24 hours and we just dove in.
By the time we made it to church, services were already over so we just got to meet a bunch of people that Hendrik (our host) works with, and we got to meet the youth group. Guys, I love this church! We did a crazy dance with the youth (I think it was called the Monkey…) said hi to a few more people, prayed for some people and then went home.
Hendrik is an incredible man who is so rooted in prayer and in God’s love. I’ve literally never prayed so much in my life. I think he’s the most hospitable man I’ve met as well. The first thing he told us when we got here was to make ourselves at home. No joke, he literally told us if we found money lying around anywhere we could use it. He encouraged us to search the cabinets and drawers and legitimately make ourselves at home.
Every night we’ve been here, there has been someone over for dinner. We’ve met so many new people that all their names are all jumbled in my head. Each of them have been so kind too. We’ve enjoyed fellowship, eaten really good food, prayed for many people, and been prayed for more times than I can count.
Our second day here we went to a ministry nearby and got to help out there. The ministry has a preschool, a swop shop where people can get things they need for bringing in bottles and cans, a community garden, an after school care center where kids can get help with their homework, and a sewing room. We went there two days in a row and both of those days I got to help out in the sewing room.
No, I don’t know how to sew. Yes, I was still able to help. In fact, I LOVE the project we got to help with. They asked us to help them cut out the towel fabric that they use to make reusable pads for the girls in the community. Working on this project made me realize just how blessed I was growing up in the United States… I never had to miss school because I’m a girl and didn’t have resources that girls need on a monthly basis…
It truly has been an extremely sweet first 5 days in South Africa. Honestly, it’s tempting to just stay here. I mean, I don’t even have to wear shoes!!
Don’t worry Mom and Dad… I’m still coming home in November. I’ve just found another country in Africa that I’m in love with and want to come back to in the future….
Yes! So excited for you! Baby girl, you know we support you wherever God leads you to stay & we’re pretty sure that won’t be at home, lol
YOU are such a TREASURE!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE how GOD is moving you and using you!!!!!!
Africa seems to be the place to be. I love your big heart Kaci
I’m so glad you are there! I know this is your heart! I know God is using you in such a special way!
Love, Leslie
I am so beyond blessed to have parents who support me. Thanks Momma!
Thank you K8!!!
Africa is the absolute best place! 😀
Thank you Leslie!!!