“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened” Luke 11:9-10
God is constantly with us. He’s always working, always moving and always revealing Himself to us. Sometimes, we just don’t recognize it.
I was reading a book the other day, and there’s this scene where a mother is in the hospital with her young son and she’s hurting and confused. She finds this magazine that has an article in it about prayer and miracles that doctors can’t explain. She realizes that even though the magazine appears to be brand new, it’s actually 10 years old. She excitedly tells her husband about it and gushes on about how only God could have done this because it was so unlikely. This made me think about how it’s easy for us to see God work in bigger ways that can ONLY be explained by a higher power, but what about the mundane? God works in the simple things as well. He reveals Himself to us in the smile of our neighbor across the street. He reveals Himself to us in the thunder storm that brings us excitement. He reveals Himself to us in the colors of the sky, in the conversations we have with others, and in the birds cawing overhead. God can be found in everything, we simply need to seek Him.
At the beginning of every week, our host has us gather together before we start our ministry day to talk about the ways we saw God work the week before. This gives us all an opportunity to meditate on the good things He did the week before (even through the difficult). It also gives us an opportunity to celebrate with each other and worship and thank God for the way He is involved in our lives. This is one of my favorite parts of the week because I get to see God from a new perspective. I might not have seen God while we worked our way through mounds and mounds of garbage to separate out the recycling, but you can bet one of my teammates did.
Not only has God been teaching me to seek Him in daily things, but I’ve also been listening to a podcast that is helping me seek Him in the really difficult things. Chasing the Beauty by Mike Donkey is all about “looking for God in the unexpected,” and “looking into every single area of our lives and saying ‘where is God in this?’” By doing this, we find joy where we don’t naturally think joy should be. By doing this, we can expand our understanding of God. By doing this, we can live in celebration of the gift of life that God gives us.
So, how do you find God in your everyday life? Where do you see God in the really difficult things life has thrown at you? Seek Him and you WILL find Him.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13
I’m reading & studying through Praying Women: How to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Say by Sheila Walsh and she talks about similar things. How God is always listening, we just have to ask, whether we feel we know how or not. So this week, God is revealing Himself to me through Sheila Walsh.
In the difficult things, I see God in my worship and in worship songs He has blessed us with.
That’s awesome Momma! I love it. Worship songs is one of my favorite ways God reveals Himself to me