So often on the Race, we don’t get to see the fruit of our work. We move on to the next location trusting that God is still moving and working. We trust that He will send people to water the seeds that we planted. We trust that the harvest will come in God’s perfect timing.
However, here in Albania, in just one short week, God has allowed us to be a part of the harvest!
This week we have been working with children in a village called Mbrostar. We organized a VBS for the kids here. Every night for a week we would play games with them, sing songs, tell them a Bible Story and of course eat some snacks.
All week we had been teaching them John 3:16 as well. So, on the last night, we decided to share the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We wanted them to know why God sent his Son. How everyone who believes can live eternally.
So we told them who Jesus was. How he did miracles everywhere he went. Healing the sick. Giving sight to the blind. We told them about how some people were scared of Jesus. Some people wanted him to be punished because they thought what he was doing was a crime. We told them how the soldiers mocked him and beat him before hanging him on the cross. We told them that he died on that cross and his friends laid his body in a tomb. We told them how the tomb was empty a few days later because Jesus had resurrected and defeated death.
Then we invited them to accept Jesus in their heart as their savior. Slowly they started raising their hands. One by one. We then invited the kids who wanted to accept Jesus to come stand with us so we could pray with them. I’ll never forget what happened next.
Every single kid stood up. Every kid prayed with the pastor as he led them in a prayer to accepting Jesus as their savior. Every kid at camp heard that Jesus loves them and every kid believed.
Praise God!!!!
Queso!! This is so goood. What a blessing it was to be a part of the harvest! Thanks God!
So amazing, brings tears to my eyes
I was a little weepy while we prayed for sure
God is the best!
Me too! That’s so wonderful, Kaci!!!
Thank you!!! It was all God!