Do you want to be a World Racer? If the answer to that question is yes, the World Race might not be for you. Let me explain. That question is phrased in such a way that it implies identity in what is being done. And if you’re finding your identity in what you do, then you might want to reconsider some things. If the reason you want to be a “world racer” is so that you can say you’re a “world racer”, you might find yourself disappointed when you actually get to the field.
Being a world racer isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. You’re not some glorious missionary dedicating your life to “saving the world” for an entire year. In fact, the world really doesn’t even need you. The World Race isn’t about taking the very things you’re passionate about and doing those very things month after month to make the world a better place. It’s more about stepping outside of your comfort zone and serving in ways that you may not be passionate about.
The other day I was listening to the podcast “Chasing the Beauty” by Mike Donehey. In the episode “Finding God’s Life For My Will” Mike tells a story of a man who is asked to take the position of president for a school. The man is talking to his mentor about taking the position and his mentor asked him what he would like about the job. The man replied by giving a long list of the things he wouldn’t like. When reminded that the question was what he WOULD like, the man stated that he would enjoy having his name in the paper with the title attached to his name. The reason Mike told this story was to get his listeners thinking about Title Vs. Task. If the title is the only thing you’d like, it may not be the right task for you.
What’s funny about this, it that I was listening to this episode while painting a wood house with some oil based paint. Not exactly my passion. The fumes from the paint were bothering my head and I was started to feel a little sick. I finished the episode and took a break to get some fresh air. While taking a break, I started thinking about the fact that I’m currently in this season of life where I like the title that I have, but I don’t always love the tasks I have to do. It made me question my own motives for going on the race.
Was I doing this just because I wanted to be able to say that I’m a missionary? Or am I doing this because I really am passionate about serving? I think the answer is yes to both of them. Sometimes I’m sorting garbage, sometimes I’m painting with motor oil and in those times I grumble in my head about the task I’ve been asked to do. Sometimes I really do get to step into something I’m passionate about; like childcare or teaching and I’m glad I said yes to another year on the field.
The truth though, is that no matter what I’m doing, I need to remember that my title doesn’t matter. My identity is not in what I do, it’s in who created me. My identity is found in God who tells me that I’m perfect and worthy and His. God’s will for my life is that I will stand firm in that identity and let everything I do flow from who He says I am. Everything I do should be done in love, not out of obligation of a title I am chasing.
This doesn’t just apply to the World Race either, it applies to anything in our lives we’re chasing after. Before we do anything, we should ask ourselves: Am I chasing a title here, or am I acting in love? Do I want to do this because of how it will label me, or because I am pursuing a passion I have in my heart? God can definitely use both, He’s capable of creating beauty from ashes so He doesn’t need us to be perfect. I came back on the World Race partially wanting the title again, but also partially pursuing a passion for ministry and mostly pursuing a desire for community and discipleship. God is using it all.
He’s changing my heart and shaping my identity. In a way, He’s stripping me of the title of “World Racer” and replacing it with “Child of God” and “Slave to Righteousness.” Each little task that I get to do that doesn’t fit under one of my passions is chiseling me more into someone who serves the Lord with a joyful heart. I’m His child and I’ll follow where He leads and having His love will be enough for me.
My warning in this post, is that if the ONLY thing you want with something you’re pursuing is the title, that is when you should reconsider. Or maybe you just need to stop and ask God to remind you who you are in His eyes. I don’t think you’ll ever be disappointed in that answer. He sees you through the lens of Jesus’ sacrifice, which means He sees you as clean, whole, redeemed, PERFECT. You don’t need to prove anything. You don’t need a title to make you worthy. Besides, all God really wants is your heart.
Will you give it to Him?
Good stuff, Kaci Larick!! Love getting to do life with you, sis!
Love ya Jamey!!!
Thank you Kaiti!
Always speaking truth and life!
Love you, dear friend !
Love your insight!