My time in Chichi is coming to an end. We only have one more week at our ministry placement before we leave for a short debrief and then hop on a bus to go to Honduras. These past 2 months have flown by and it doesn’t feel like all that long ago that Chichi was new and foreign to us. Now, it feels like home.
Yesterday we had another church service with the police officers. While our host was thanking us, he briefly mentioned how he often works with the police and sometimes does hospital visits with them to pray for people. This made me think of the many ministries we couldn’t do this month (largely because of COVID).
When we first found out we were coming to Chichi, we were given what’s called a set-up sheet. The host fills this out and it lets the teams know what ministry they will be doing, what they can expect for housing and food, and other important details. Our set-up sheet had a list of ministries we would be involved in that we were quite excited for.
We got to Chichi with open hands and anticipation in our hearts. Juan welcomed us with open arms and told us all about his ministry (how it came to be, what their goal is, and how they are involved in the community). Once again we heard a list of ministries Juan is a part of and we were excited for the opportunity to partner with him in the ministries.
Now, almost two months later, I’m remembering this list and realizing we really didn’t get to be a part of many of the ministries Juan has done in the past. We couldn’t go to the hospitals because no visitors are allowed in right now. We only got to hand out baskets of bread once the streets once. We never got to host a youth group and share a meal with them. We played soccer a few times, but much less than I expected. Much of our ministry was done at our house (especially the first month when we had to quarantine almost the entire month).
Thinking of all these wonderful ministries Juan is a part of that we didn’t get to experience these two months made me wonder why we were even here during this time. If only we had been here in a different month, would things have been different?
This is very similar to a question I pondered while I was in Argentina with my first squad. We spent the month of December doing a lot of raking and cleaning around the YWAM base. I remember being told that they were preparing for a youth camp the following month. If we had just been there a month later, our ministry probably would have looked much different.
So, why were we placed there when we were? Why have we been in Chichi for the past two months when ministry opportunities are limited?
Simple: The Lord’s Timing.
I don’t know why, other than He wanted Z squad in Argentina while we were there and He wanted Surrendered Seven and Bread Breakers in Chichi while we were here. As I asked myself these questions and remembered that God’s timing is better than mine, I heard Him whisper to me “Do you trust my timing?”
Do I trust that being here to help around the house was more important than doing the ministries that feel more rewarding. Do I trust that God has a perfect plan even when I can’t see it? Do I trust that He is working even in the mundane every day things?
Juan has told us time and time again how much he has appreciated us being here.
The very first day that we were here, Juan and his family were going through a trial so we spent our first day of ministry interceding for them.
He has said that since that first day, we have felt like family to him and he has felt so much peace knowing that he has people praying for him.
If that right there is the only reason God wanted us in Chichi at this time, then it’s worth it.
I don’t need to be doing all the ministries that Juan usually does.
I only need to do my Father’s will, and I need to trust that God will lead me into His will with perfect timing.
No sooner, no later. I will follow where He leads and I will trust the path that He has laid before me
God let your will be done in my life every minute of every day. May I be close enough to you that I will hear and see where you are leading me with every step I take. God, I trust you timing, help me to trust even deeper when I being to question you. Lord, may I remember that you are working even in the mundane things of life, that you are always working and using all things for your glory. Amen