We’ve been in Chichi for about a week now and all of our ministry has been at the house where we are living at. The plan is for us to quarantine for the first 10 days of being here before actually going out into the community, so we’ve been working on projects around the house.
This has included filling up bags with dirt to prevent the hill from collapsing during the rainy season, building come doors and a table, painting said doors, and also an entire day of prayer.
Sometimes during our work around the property, we find ourselves with not much to do because there is so many of us. The bags didn’t take too long and only a couple people can be working on the doors at a time. During those times we usually play games, worship or read.
Yesterday, I noticed a bunch of toys underneath one of the windows from the house. Obviously, I knew they were from our host’
s 4-year old son. I picked up the dinosaur and shouted his name. He opened the window and popped his little head out so I threw the dinosaur up at him.
This turned into a 20 minute game of him and me throwing the dino back and forth. He would open and close the window, sometimes crushing the dino in the window so when he opened it back up he would just push it down. Sometimes he closed the window fast enough that the dino would bounce off the window and come right back to me. Sometimes I was fast enough and I would get the dino into the window fast enough just above his head so it fell into the room.
At first, I kind of felt bad that I wasn’t doing more to help my teammates with the projects around the house, but as the laughter flowed out of the window I realized that what I was doing mattered too. Our host’s son is more on the shy side, so getting him to laugh and talk to me as we played this game with the dino felt like a win.
While I’m excited to get into the community and start some ministry outside of the gate, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity I have to stay inside the gates and build relationships with our host and his family. Soon we will have some police officers visit us and we will have the opportunity to share a word with them and also worship with them.
Great story that will hold a memory for ever for this child.
That’s a great story! I love that you interact with the boy and you’re making memories for you as well as the family you’re staying with everyday!
SO SWEET! Your joy is infectious!